Monday, December 25, 2006

Santa Claus Was Coming to Town

Yesterday afternoon I received a call from my ward, Dmitri (aka Little Brother). "Can diabetics have chocolates?" "Only if they're special chocolates for diabetics." "What can I get for Eleanor (his stepmother) then?" "Dmitri, Eleanor isn't diabetic, she's epileptic." "But I've already bought them." "Well if you've already bought them.."

Katy's voice from the kitchen "Cross out diabetic, and write in epileptic!".

And may all your Christmases be .......

Ho Ho Ho to anyone bored enough to be reading this today.


Pat said...

A belated but nonetheless sincere Happy New Year.

Chairwoman of the bored said...

And to you too, pi :-)

mad muthas said...

hmmm - chocolates for epileptics. i think i see a marketing niche.
hope you had a merry non-christmas - even without the turkey crown.

Chairwoman of the bored said...

The mystery of the turkey crown still resonates around Chateau Newton. Dmitri denies having any knowledge of it at regular intervals, whether it's being discussed or not. He usually invokes the grave of a dead grandparent to substantiate his claim!